Author Guidelines
The editors welcome the opportunity to discuss preliminary proposals with potential contributors by email. Please see the contact address given in the call for papers for that issue.
Authors will retain copyright in the article. The TEI Consortium requires that you grant a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License in the article to the general public under the author agreement.
Plagiarism statement
All submissions should be original material, not published elsewhere. Articles that are discovered to exhibit plagiarism, including self-plagiarism (wholesale repetition by an author of material published elsewhere) will automatically be rejected. Editors reserve the right to send submitted articles to software that detects plagiarism.
Generative AI
Authors must disclose the use of generative AI and AI-assisted technologies in the writing process by adding a statement at the end of their manuscript in the core manuscript file, before the References list. The statement should be placed in a new section entitled ‘Declaration of Generative AI and AI-assisted technologies in the writing process’.
Statement: During the preparation of this work the author(s) used [NAME TOOL / SERVICE] in order to [REASON]. After using this tool/service, the author(s) reviewed and edited the content as needed and take(s) full responsibility for the content of the publication.
This declaration does not apply to the use of basic tools for checking grammar, spelling, references, etc. If there is nothing to disclose, there is no need to add a statement.
File format
The journal accepts submissions in a word-processor file format (OpenOffice, Microsoft Word, RTF, etc.) or in an XML format. If you are using TEI XML, please consider using our jTEI authoring tools, which are explained on the TEI Wiki: The documentation of the schema can be found at:
Submissions should be in English with US spelling, French, German, Italian or Spanish, and follow the Chicago Manual of Style (16th ed.) for punctuation, citation styles, and other matters apart from spelling. Submissions are accepted in three categories that reflect the current state of TEI-related research and address the growing need for reference corpora and data sets:
- Research papers (about 5,000 to 7,000 words): Research papers document conceptual, theoretical, exploratory, and innovative work and include the apparatus one expects in a scholarly research paper: scholarly citations, footnotes, appropriate bibliography, etc.
- Project / Tool Notes (about 2,000 to 4,000 words): Project/Tool notes are descriptive reports that detail the accomplishments and contributions of a particular project, tool, encoding method, etc.
- Data sets (about 1,500 to 4,000 words): Data sets are organized collections of TEI or related data that are accompanied by a short descriptive paper that describes the data set and its contribution to the the TEI and other scholarly communities. The data set must be published in a publicly accessible archive such as Zenodo, GitHub, TAPAS, or the Oxford Text Archive. The jTEI will not host the dataset, but will publish the descriptive paper along with a link to the data set. Submissions must include an accessible link to the data sets in question.
The open call, i.e. not the conference calls which will have their specific requirements, accepts submissions in the following additional categories
- Reviews of projects using TEI
- Reviews of publications of interest to the TEI community
- Summaries of Theses or Dissertation of interest to the TEI community
If you submit to the open call and not to a call issued in occasion of a conference, we additionally recommend that you:
- Use the jTEI schema for your submission (see above)
- Try to limit the size of your submission to a maximum 3.000 words for any type of submission which is not a Research Paper.
Because many of the papers originate in either conferences or named projects, which do not permit anonymity, all articles are assessed according to a single-blind peer review system. Outgoing manuscripts are not anonymized, but reviewers' identities are kept anonymous.
Submissions should have the following components in this order:
- article title
- name(s) of author(s)
- an abstract of approximately 150-250 words
- up to 7 keywords in which only proper nouns are capitalized (for use within the journal only, so don't include "TEI" as a keyword)
- text of the article itself (see suggested word counts above)
- biographical statement(s) of no more than 100 words about each author, including job title(s), affiliation(s), and email address
Data set and Project / Tool Notes submissions should include some basic statements about the data or project. Data set should include the following (repeat for specific data sets if applicable):
- Publication date(s)
- Data type
- Link to dataset stored in citable long term repository (Tapas, Zenodo, etc.)
- Any related articles
- Licence/copyright
- Is data open or closed
- Principles of text normalization (orthography, capitalization, punctuation, space, ligatures, etc.)
Project / Tool notes should include, in addition to the points above about data, the following:
Project general information
- Funder
- Institution
- Principal investigator and team names and affiliations
- Duration (start and end)
- Project official name
- Project type (edition, tool, community)
- Project urls
Project code (optional; repeat for specific code sets if applicable)
- Publication date(s)
- Link to code repository or stored citable version
- Reference framework / application
- Main programming languages used
- Licence/copyright
- Authors
- Currently edited or closed dataset
- Open to collaboration or not
Submissions should use the author-date system of documentation, examples of which are given in the online "quick guide"? and which is explained in detail in chapter 15 of the Chicago Manual of Style. That is, cite sources using the form "(Smith 1998)" in the text (no footnote), and at the end of the article, list the work by Smith published in 1998, along with other works cited. This list should only include works cited, not a full bibliography of related publications. Only use footnotes for parenthetical commentary or to give the URL of a website for a project, piece of software, or other online resource for which a full bibliographic citation is unnecessary.
For the convenience of authors, here are citations to the HTML versions of recent releases of the TEI Guidelines:
Association for Computers and the Humanities (ACH), Association for Computational Linguistics (ACL), and Association for Literary and Linguistic Computing (ALLC). 1999. Guidelines for Electronic Text Encoding and Interchange (TEI P3), edited by C. M. Sperberg-McQueen and Lou Burnard. Chicago and Oxford: Text Encoding Initiative. First published 1993.
TEI Consortium. 2001. TEI P4: Guidelines for Electronic Text Encoding and Interchange: XML-Compatible Edition, edited by C. M. Sperberg-McQueen and Lou Burnard. N.p.: TEI Consortium.
TEI Consortium. 2013. TEI P5: Guidelines for Electronic Text Encoding and Interchange. Version 2.5.0. Last updated July 26. N.p.: TEI Consortium.
Note that when citing TEI P5 Guidelines, the URL of the actual version cited (2.5.0 in the example above) in the TEI Vault should be used, rather than the default URL of the current version. This ensures that the link always points to an unchanging archive version. All Vault versions of the Guidelines can be found at
Authors whose native language is not English are strongly encouraged to have their manuscripts edited by someone familiar with English-language scholarly journals before submitting.
All images should be provided as web-quality digital files in one of the following formats: tif, jpg, png. Each image should include a caption that provides important information about the image. There is no hard-and-fast formula for what should go into a caption, but it is important that the rights holder is acknowledged explicitly or, in the case of fair use or public domain, implicitly. If you are the rights holder for the images, they will be released under the same license as the rest of your article, If you include images whose rights holders are other people or organizations, you must secure permission, and state clearly in each relevant caption the rights holder and the license granted you to include the image in the jTEI article.
To supplement the Chicago Manual of Style, authors are encouraged to follow the TEI's house style and the notes below:
- "digital humanities" (not "Digital Humanities")
- "markup" as a noun or adjective, "mark up" as a verb, but a "marked-up document"
- "stand-off markup", not "standoff markup"
- "data" and "metadata" are always plural (following Chicago)
- "email", not "e-mail"
- "tagset" (not "tag set")
- "TEI Guidelines", not "TEI guidelines" or "Guidelines of the TEI" (no italics)
- "TEI P5", not "TEI Proposal 5" (no italics)
- "TEI Board" (not "TEI board")
- "TEI Council" (not "TEI council")
- Use "the TEI"? for the organization/community and "TEI"? for the encoding system
- Please put technical terms (element names, attribute names, attribute values, names of model classes, etc.) in a fixed-width (monospace) font.
- For element names, surround the name of the element with angle brackets.
- For attribute names, insert an at sign ("@") before the name of the attribute.
- For attribute values, surround the string with quotation marks (").
- Use Chicago's simple rule for hyphenation at the beginning of a sentence or title (only capitalize the first word unless the second is a proper noun): "Death-defying" but "All-American"
- For terminological differences between American and British English that might be confusing, give both. For example, "full stop (period)" or "period (full stop)".
- For an em dash?one that indicates a break in a sentence like this?either use the em dash character on your word processor instead of two hyphens. Leave no space on either side of the dash. For the long dash in bibliographies, use three consecutive em dashes.
- Commas: When a conjunction joins the last two elements in a series of three or more, a comma?known as the serial or series comma or the Oxford comma?should appear before the conjunction. Chicago strongly recommends this widely practiced usage, blessed by Fowler and other authorities, since it prevents ambiguity. If the last element consists of a pair joined by and, the pair should still be preceded by a serial comma. Example: She took a photograph of her parents, the president, and the vice president.
- While Chicago allows use of Latin-based scholarly abbreviations like "i.e." and "e.g.", it says to use them only in parentheses or in notes. In other cases, "that is" and "for example" should be used. (See 6.43 for examples, including correct use of punctation around these.) For consistency and ease of reading by those who don't know Latin well, please use the English expressions in all cases.
- Figures: In text, the word figure should not be italicized, should be in lowercase, and should be spelled out. The exception is a parenthetical reference, where it should be abbreviated: ("fig. 10"?). Please include a figure number and, if applicable, a caption, both below the figure.
- Tables: In text, the word table should not be italicized and should be in lowercase, even when referring to a particular table in the article. Please include a table number and, if applicable, a caption, both below the table.
- Use "Title Case" instead of "Sentence case" for English titles and subtitles. Write other titles as is practice in that language.
- In references, do not include access dates for URLs unless the date of publication or revision is unknown.
- In references, when including both a URL for a document and a DOI reference, include the URL first, followed by the DOI (prefixed with "doi:"). Include a period after each.
- Numbers in measurements: Use periods for decimals (following American practice): 1.5m (not 1,5m).
- Web-based digital editions and monograph-like websites are treated as monographs and are to be cited as any other work in the reference list. Their title in the text is italicized as any other monograph title.
Articles must be submitted using the journal's online submission system. First-time submitters must create a user account in order to submit an article.
Once an article is accepted, the author will be offered an opportunity to revise the article. Editors reserve the right to edit submissions for appropriate length and style, and contributors will have the opportunity to review revisions. Markup and styling in submissions will be retained in the published version at the discretion of the editors. A detailed description of the process and what to expect appears below.
What to expect after submission
0. Screening
Submissions which are out of the scope of the journal or fail to meet the criteria set above will be returned to the authors. This saves the time of everyone, especially the author.
1. Review
Once all the submissions for a specific issue are received, reviewers will be assigned. Your article will be reviewed by two or three reviewers, a process that can take some months, and then a decision will be made: reject, revise, or accept. For submissions to the open call the Editors will identify competent reviewers with prompt availability. You are encouraged to register as a reviewer when you make your submission.
2. Revision
The most common decision is to request at least some revisions; you'll be provided with the responses and feedback from the reviewers, and asked to address their concerns by making changes to the article within three weeks or so. After the revised submission is received, editors will check to see if the changes have adequately addressed the concerns of the reviewers, and will again render a decision (reject, revise, or accept). In some cases, we may request a previous or new reviewer to read the revision. If you reject the opinion of a reviewer, you may write a cover letter to the editors explaining your rationale.
3. Acceptance
Once an article is accepted, an author agreement will be sent, along with any remaining comments that should be taken into account for revision. We will also review any deadlines for the next steps in the process.
4. Copyediting
Next, the article enters a copyediting phase, it which it will be edited by at least two, usually three, of the journal's editors, one of whom is a professional copyeditor. More detailed attention will be paid to refinements of language, style and format. This can take some months, since we're often editing many articles at the same time. At the end of that process, you'll receive two copies of the article in word-processor format from us: one has all the changes suggested and implemented by the editors along with all their discussions and comments intact, and the other has a much simpler version in which only changes which we believe require your approval or further input from you are highlighted. You'll be asked to accept or reject changes proposed, respond to queries, and return the result to us.
5. Encoding
The final version of the article we receive from you will then be encoded in TEI XML unless you already submitted it in TEI valid to jTEI schema, and input into the journal publication system to create PDF and HTML versions.
6. Proofing
Once the PDF and HTML versions are available on the website (although still password-protected), you'll be asked to do a final proofing along with the editors, to ensure that nothing has been missed, and no new issues have been introduced during the encoding phase.
7. Publication
Your article will finally be published and announced in various venues. This may be as part of the entire issue, in the case of a small issue published in a single set; or in the case of larger issues, it may be published as part of a smaller batch of interim articles in a "rolling" process.
You can well imagine that this entire process can take a great deal of time, especially since a great deal of it depends on the work of volunteers, and on yourself (and we know how busy you are). Please be patient and know that we will eventually get through the process and publish your article.
Submission Preparation Checklist
All submissions must meet the following requirements.
- Check that the article is substantially relevant to the Text Encoding Initiative community.
- Check your argument is original and logically structured, and that each step is coherent.
- Check that all images are sequentially numbered, legible and are of adequate quality (72 DPI or greater), and in tif, jpg, or png format.
- Check you have rights to publish all images.
- Check that all files for your submission are included, especially if you submit a derivate of a source, we will need the source and eventually informations to compile
- Check that every references is in the bibliography and that the bibliography does not contain unreferenced items (orphans)
- Check that you agree to release the article under a CC-BY-SA-4.0 license:
- Check that you agree to the terms of DOAJ and EBSCO to index your article.
- Check if you need to add a disclosure statement for use of AI.
Research Article - Open Call
Research Article - Conference Call
Project / Tool Note - Open Call
Project / Tool Note - Conference Call
Data Set - Open Call
Data Set - Conference Call
Privacy Statement
The names and email addresses entered in this journal site will be used exclusively for the stated purposes of this journal and will not be made available for any other purpose or to any other party.